
February 14, 2014

Jumping In With Both Feet

I recently heard someone say that the easiest way to begin something was to jump in with both feet. To just do it. Without contemplation. Or examination. Or finding cause to make it better or perfect before beginning.

And so here I am. Back at this blog thing. Which I’ve genuinely, truthfully, truly missed in the time that I’ve been away.

So why the absence?...

Primarily life got busy… as life is prone to doing, I suppose:

We had a baby…and she instantly took my breath away… and I became obsessed, engrossed in the daily happenings of this new little person in my life… each day better than the next one.

We bought a new-old house… all rickety and out of shape and needing constant attention… and so much time, that in addition to said baby, any free time I had was sucked back into housework.

But really…honestly… I just stopped feeling inspired for a while.

I was feeling rudderless and confused, unsure of where to take this teensy-tiny little online space I’d carved for myself. Afraid of criticism and critique. Scared of failure. Not really sure my life was worthy of interest (and maybe it wont be for everyone, but I’m hoping it might interest one or two of you!).

And so I stopped writing.

But I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Missing it.

And so despite all of these excuses and reasons and fears, here I am.

Jumping in with both feet.

Resolute. Inspired

Maybe you’ll join me?


June 22, 2012

happy shiny day

Happy friday to all.

We're in the midst of a sweltering heat-wave in Toronto... and though I'm 6 months pregnant with what seems to be a baby furnace, I cannot help but love these languid summer days, and am dreaming of...

June 15, 2012

knocked up

So here is my big-BIG news.... We're having a baby! (Well technically I'm having the baby...hubs in along for the ride)

I'm almost 6 months pregnant, so I've certainly had some time to get used to the news.

And it is BIG news...that takes a ton of adjustment...emotional, mental, physical... a whole world of adjustment.

As my body grows and grows and grows and my baby gets bigger and stronger... I find myself kind of settling into this role of gestating momma much more comfortably... but I'd be lying if I didn't say it's been a journey to get here...

I'm beyond excited to experience the adventures to come... and genuinely cannot wait to meet our little bunny...and I look forward to hearing from all of you along the way...


June 05, 2012


Currently coveting: these fantastically bright t-strap sandals from Anthropologie.

I'm completely onboard with the neon trend this summer -- it's very reminiscent of the 90's-style biking shorts with the neon striped sides... because really, if you're an 80's child, you know you rocked those shorts.

May 31, 2012

too long...

It's been far too long since I last wrote. I hope you'll forgive the inexcusable absence.

A lot…and I mean, A LOT… has happened in these past months. And though I’ve beaten myself up for not writing, each and every week that’s passed… I just have not had the energy or time or mental presence.

Our life has been a flurry of activity since January… starting with… finishing our basement reno and other odds and ends... plus….a house sale… oh, aanndd a house purchase!!!! (Yes, I’m THAT excited to warrant that many exclamation points.)

We sold our newly renovated bungalow and purchased a storey-and-a-half home close to family and friends and the city… and I honestly couldn’t be happier. Honestly, isn’t it the cutest house?

{we're swapping houses, yo!}

I can’t wait to begin documenting our new renovation adventures as we eventually begin to remodel and expand our new house.

In the meantime… I realize that I’ve yet to share any photos of our current home. I’m pulling together some before and after shots… and I’m pretty sure… they will knock some socks off!

I promise to be back with regular posts… and some more MEGA EXCITING (yes, I’m totally working the caps today) news, next week.


January 05, 2012


Happy New Year!  It's hard to believe we're 5 days into this new year already.

I've always been a touch ambivalent about new years... of the promises and resolutions that come with them. On the one hand, it's impossible not to feel inspired and energized at the start of a fresh year (like with a new notebook, it's exilerating to see all of those blank pages just waiting to be filled). On the other hand, resolutions are inevitably broken... and becoming a better person (or whatever) is an ongoing process... not one that begins on January 1st...

But this year... this year... I resolve to just BE... be still, be observant, be in the moment and just enjoy life day by day.. and see where it takes me.


December 19, 2011

It’s beginning to feel a lot like christmas

As usual, the holidays snuck up on me and I’m struggling to find the time to get everything done. With christmas less then a week away I’m gearing up for some fun holiday celebration (food, drink, laughter) with friends and loved ones.

Our tree is up… I’ve crossed the last gift off the list… my gift wrap, ribbon and tape is stacked neatly in the corner ready for a serious wrapping session… and I see a lot of baking in my very near future.

In the meantime, here’s a peek at the christmas cards I designed for Mike and I this christmas.  

Wishing you all a fantastic holiday!
